Mubble app call details online

The Mubble App is a popular tool that helps users track and manage their mobile expenses, including call details, data usage, and SMS logs. However, if you’re looking to access your call details online through the Mubble App, here’s what you need to know:

What is the Mubble App?

Mubble is a free app designed to help users keep track of their mobile usage, including call logs, SMS, and data consumption. It’s particularly useful for prepaid users who want to monitor their balance and spending habits.

mubble app call details online

Can You Get Call Details Online Through Mubble?

Mubble primarily functions as an offline app that stores your usage data on your phone. It does not offer an online portal to view call details directly through the Internet. Instead, the app collects data directly from your device, giving you a detailed report of your call history, data usage, and SMS logs on the app itself.

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How to View Call Details in the Mubble App?

To view your call details in the Mubble App:

  1. Download and Install Mubble: First, download the app from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open the App: Once installed, open the app and grant the necessary permissions to access your call logs, SMS, and data usage.
  3. Access Call Logs: Navigate to the call history section within the app. Here, you’ll find a detailed list of your incoming and outgoing calls, including the duration and time of each call.

Is the Mubble App Safe?

Yes, the Mubble App is generally safe to use. It does not upload your data to the cloud, ensuring that your call logs and other details remain private and stored locally on your device.

Limitations of the Mubble App

  • No Online Access: As mentioned, Mubble does not offer online access to your call details. All information is stored and viewed through the app on your device.
  • Limited Features: While the app is excellent for tracking call details and data usage, it does not offer advanced features like detailed bill analysis or customer support.


The Mubble App is a useful tool for tracking mobile usage, but it doesn’t offer online access to call details. For users who want a simple, offline way to manage their mobile expenses and view call logs, Mubble is a reliable option.


1. Can I use the Mubble App to track call details on multiple numbers?

No, the Mubble App is designed to track call details only on the device where it is installed.

2. Does the Mubble App work on iPhones?

As of now, Mubble is primarily available for Android devices.

3. Is there a way to export call details from the Mubble App?

Mubble does not currently offer an export feature. All data is stored locally within the app.

4. Can the Mubble App track international calls?

Yes, Mubble tracks all calls made from your device, including international ones.

5. How accurate is the data usage tracking on Mubble?

Mubble provides reasonably accurate tracking of data usage based on the information from your device. However, it may not always match the records of your service provider exactly.

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